NPM_SheetJS (by Excel API), 240727(Sat)_063011

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Excel 아이템 설명 sheetjs-style github npm package install npm install xlsx-js-style module.min.js 의존성 문제 excel-exporter plugin 내 js 폴더로 이동시켜서 테스트 완료 확인결과, Dependency 까지 모두 해결해서 min.js 파일 만들어지는 것으로 보임.

Autodesk_Cloud_Ceremony (by Excel API), 240728(Sun)_141214

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Excel Catergories Title Ref. Main Topic : Samsng PJT go with Cloud Technologies Local Enviroment Status and Limitation Past Main Topic : Samsng PJT go with Cloud Technologies Expectation adopting Cloud Tech. specially with Autodesk ACC Future Security issue Cost Down and Enhancement   Security issue OKTA Dependencies   Security issue ACC menu Seperation for … Read more

Dynamic Server IP update to AWS DNS using BOTO3

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Excel//전체 아이템 리스트 아이템 오픈날짜 종료날짜 비고 Code Repo Local/Remote Setting 2024-06-02(일) 2024-06-02(일)   Python Virtual Env Setting 2024-06-02(일) 2024-06-02(일)   Python Source Code Execution   2024-06-01(토) 2024-06-02(일) Test on Development ServerSource code update in aws_python_api DHP Server IP Update to AWS Route53 2024-05-25(토) 2024-05-25(토) Python Source Code    //2024-05-25(토) DHP Server IP Update to AWS … Read more

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